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image of the beach and sand, about us page

Welcome to Zen Wellness!

I am Yvette, and am passionate about people, health and wellbeing and how we take care of our bodies and minds.  I believe we are creative beings and can recreate wellness.  As an intuitive empath and clairvoyant I connect and really understand every persons journey.


Interested in my story and how I can support you?

Image of Yvette, the owner of Zen Wellness

My journey so far.......

I have been obsessed with energy, magic, creation, vibration and frequency forever, even as a kid I believed in other wordly beings.  Along the pathway I forgot and left behind the curious child who could believe and dream of infinite possibilities.  Adulting meant family and career in agriculture administration took priority until I injured myself.


Only then, did I relook at how my body worked and was structured through yoga, learning to breathe into areas of tension, learning to meditate and learning about energy and vibration.  It was in those painful moments when my body fell apart that I started to question.........and then returned the curious child.


That one car accident began a remembrance and rethinking of how I want my body, health and wellness to be going forward.  Fast forward ten years and the gifts I was given of intuitive empath and clairaudience reappeared into my life and I strengthened and honed those skills over twenty years of being able to connect with people to assist with their present and future selves as well as past.


Then as happens with magic, I fell across Biofield Tuning. Holy moly, where had this modality been hiding?  Biofield Tuning brought together all the elements that I had been searching for, and that began my obsession with tuning forks.  As a practitioner I believe our bodies carry so much wisdom and knowledge at a cellular level that they nourish the vibrational love we send them to reset them back to their factory settings.

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